
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - September 2013

 “Research book ‘Mawara’ has been written by renowned Nuclear scientist, Engineer Sultan Bashir Mahmood, Sitara-e-Imtiaz, ex- Director General of Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission. See what benefits science is attaining from spirituality whereas we have not been able to get out of the circle of criticism and making fun of it. The research under consideration has been compiled by the gentleman after great efforts spread over many years. We hope that the readers will read it with concentration and interest. This might eliminate undue criticism and deriding”.

Power of imagination and CIA’a amazing spying system


by Major Morehouse, USA

(CIA’s Paranormal Espionage Department)

Introduction: Telepathy or influencing with the minds of other people and communicating by the power of imagination is a supernatural phenomenon. Hypnotism is also a game of power of imagination. In the days of Communist USSR, proper telepathy stations were established for messaging between Siberia and Moscow and many successful experiments were carried out. Also in Europe and America, numerous scientific experiments have proved that some people have natural distinction in this regard. In other words, this is a human quality which exists at different levels in different people. In addition, several experiments were conducted in USA and USSR to free the soul or spirit from a living body.  Such experiments helped in messaging, superseding others and controlling of minds. Minor things like inquiring about thefts and locating lost things were also carried out with the help of spirits. Until 1970, these things were the domain of only parapsychologists and those interested in spirituality. But ever since CIA started to utilize the same for spying on enemies, controlling of minds and espionage, these human traits have become a serious knowledge with which psy-war is fought. Till 1996 probably nobody had a clue in this regard as to what was happening in the largest secret service of the world. This might have never come to light if this secret was not revealed by CIA’s own retired officer Major Morehouse. Following article is a summary of his book ‘the Psychic Warrior’.

Espionage through Jinns, Ghosts and Spirits: Two things are proved from the book of Major Morehouse. Firstly, the American Government which is a super power in the scientific advancement, not only officially acknowledges existence of supernatural beings like souls, Jinns, ghosts and spirits etc. but also carries out research to utilize them for top secret espionage purposes. In the preface, the author of the book, David Morehouse claims this is a true account of CIA’s espionage through supernatural forces. He expresses this in these words: “A true story of the CIA’s paranormal espionage.”

The author has served the CIA as an officer for a long time. He explains about himself in his book which is summarized as follows:

The angel said: You become just, stop atrocity: David Morehouse got commission on 16 April 1979 in the Infantry Corps of the US Army and after 16 years of service he was retired as a Major in 1995. His father was also a soldier and whose career was also brilliant. When he was commissioned, he had already earned several medals of honors as a cadet. Due to his courage, intelligence and hard work, he was assigned important appointments in the Army. In August 1986, he was deputed with the 260th Platoon Command in Jordan for the training of the Jordanian Army, where his life was revolutionized.

In the spring of 1987, they were conducting a military exercise in a mountainous valley in Jordan, which is known as the ‘Waadi-e-Musa’ (Valley of Moses). This is the place where Allah Almighty had miraculously blessed the followers of Hazrat Musa Alaihe Assalam with 12 water springs. As a tribute, today there is a mosque on that spot and which is known as Masjid e Musa Alaihe Assalam and where one of the springs still continues to flow.

Suddenly Morehouse was hit by a bullet which got stuck in his helmet or else it could have crossed his skull. Later his head got swollen as that point which shows that the trauma must have had effects till deep inside the mind. He immediately got up but then fainted. While unconscious, he witnessed that the atmosphere is foggy and there are about 8-10 people dressed in lose Arabic attire. One of them came forward and said: ‘You should become just. Stop atrocities and work for peace. Teach the people about peace.’ One who gave him this message said that he is David’s guard angel and that he will look after him. With this the fog diminished and he came to consciousness.

Encounter and conversation with the guard angel: He presumed this incident as a dream or vagary. But after a few days, the same angel met him in his consciousness and who delivered the same message. Now Major Morehouse had no doubt that this was not a fallacy but a reality. But how and why, was beyond his apprehension. The Jordanian Commanding Officer had already briefed them that Jinns and spirits live in this valley but the American soldiers took it as a joke. The encounter and conversation with his guard angel left a deep impact on Major Morehouse. But he did not mention it to anybody due to the fear that people who talk about such things are not liked in the Army. Nevertheless, after this incident his mind was occupied with strange thoughts and he occasionally saw dreams that came true. He could feel that he can see things that will happen in future. About his condition, he writes:


"It was an odd feelings, humming mind, eyes open all the time, I began referring to it as the television in my head".(Page-42)

CIA’s spiritual espionage department: Upon completion of the assignment in Jordan, he returned back home in 1987. But the series of encounters with the spiritual being did not stop. In fact his worries increased. He thought about going to a psychologist, but for the sake of his career in the Army he did not do so. Upon return, he was appointed in the Intelligence department of the Army where he met a psychologist who was a Ph.D in parapsychology.  Where Morehouse told him about his experiences, he said that this is no ailment. It is rather a gift from nature and which is a very useful thing. Due to this encouragement, Morehouse told him some more of his experiences. Upon this the parapsychologist gave him some top secret folder to study. These contained information about people who could see beyond the limitation of time and location. These people were termed as “Spiritual Telescopic Viewers”.  The Dr. told Morehouse that actually his natural gift is a step in the same direction and strictly instructed not to discuss it with anybody. One of the folders had an account for an American who was kidnapped in July 1978. Instead of names, the people were mentioned by numbers. In his book, Morehouse writes that a Spiritual Telescopic Viewer’s soul left his body and went in the past to locate the person. His soul reaches the house of the abducted where the kidnappers are assembled. From their conversation it was revealed there that they did not want to kill the abducted person but to make a deal. 

A new power from nature: The second incident was no lesser astonishing. This was about a Spiritual Telescopic Viewer who spiritually travelled in several cities and countries to locate a person and ultimately succeeded. Upon going through these incidents, Morehouse writes: “I realized that my condition is not due to any ailment but actually nature was blessing me with a new power. After a few days, I received orders for my appointment to a different place. It was a top secret department about which I had never heard earlier. Dr. Barter took me there where I met the Department’s manager Mr. Levy. I came to know that Mr. Levy already knew a lot about me. He congratulated me as only a few lucky people are selected for this department out of thousands.” 

Training for going into past and future: Now I came to know that this is a very special department of the CIA where espionage is conducted in enemy countries through the spiritual forces. People who join this department are trained to psychologically travel in time and space and in the past and future. But for this training it is essential that the trainees are already blessed with these natural gifts. Some people are born with supernatural powers while others are blessed by nature with the same later on. But in any case, it is given by nature. The code name of this department was Sun Streak/Star Gate. Having this opportunity, Morehouse was extremely happy. He writes:

“Think of it: I can be trained to traverse in time and space, to see and experience anything and everything.” (page- 77)

“I will travel to other worlds, see things that happened long time ago, and learn to see things that have not even happened yet.” (page-88)

Morehouse started receiving training for spiritual espionage. Regular lectures were given. The training school was crammed up with high tech machines and equipment. At the beginning of the training, the Chief Instructor Mr. Levy told him:

“This training will change you for the rest of your life. Neither you nor your family will be the same.”

In this training he was informed about time travel in the present, past and future. He writes:

“In this lecture Mil handed out the historical evidence of time travel and out of body travel from ancient Egyptian heriographics to scriptures. Man, Mil argued, is more than his physical self.” (page-94)

Laboratories for spiritual espionage: Initially he was given some papers to study after which the formal training was to commence. During this several types of tests were also taken. After a few weeks the training started. Prior training, Mr. Levy took him around in the laboratory. Detail of the same revealed that spiritual espionage has been made a proper science by the CIA. The training institutes are not the camps of saints, hermits or monks but are modern technical laboratories outfitted with latest scientific equipment. Some salient points described by Morehouse are reproduced in his own words as follows:

“He (Mr. Riley the senior instructor) said; Let me introduce you to world beyond. This is the monitoring room.

This is where they monitor your body signs, respiration’s pulse, and temperature. This is your lifeline back to reality. If you ever get into trouble there in the Ether, they will know it in here and they will break the session to get you back home.  The joystick let the monitor control the cameras in the viewing rooms. They can zoom in you to see what you’re writing, or you are doing on RV (Remote Viewing) and ERV (Extended Remote Viewing).”

Another equipment is explained as:

“On this little gimmick here we will monitor your brain waves during your first month of training. When we are certain that you can achieve the desired frequency in the appropriate amount of time, you don’t have to wear the electrodes anymore.”

About another room, he was told:

“This is the ERV room number-I and the other is number-II, This is ERV chair you sit in it like this” Riley jumped into the seat and began pulling wires and belts on position. “ There are light and volume controls, here where on this console, you wear these headphones.”

It was astonishing for Morehouse that everything in the laboratory was light grey.  Curtains, walls, floor, machines, equipment, chairs and tables, as such everything were gray in colour. Why was it so? When he inquired, he was replied:

“To avoid mental noise, we correct information in the signal in transfer. It is kind of TV interference. Something happens in your head. If there is a lot of colour, light or noise in the room where viewer is working, the chances are high that it will interfere with the session. By eliminating all that mental noise, we can keep the chances of pure session fairly high.”

In the next room of the laboratory he was told:

“This is the dowsing room. It is where you will be trained to find a moving target on the map. This is CRV (Coordinate Remote Viewing) room. It is bigger than the ERV room, with a narrow table, eight feet long in the middle. A row of track lights was centred over table and a control panel set next to the place viewer worked from. Everything was gray. Just like the others. This CRV chair had all the hookups the other ones did, plus it adjusts to whatever height you want to be comfortable.”

At the end of the laboratory’s tour, Chief Instructor Mr. Levy told him that conquering time and space is not an easy task. He said:

“When you are training to conquer time and space, you will be troubled by dreams, hallucinations because there are parallel worlds that touch and intersect with us constantly and there is world of deceivers. You are dealing with them all ….. you have long way to go.: (page-91-95)

Resistance from enemy spiritual forces: Levy told that during the travel in time and space, several types of spiritual hurdles will be faced. Secondly supernatural beings like Jinns and souls will also come across. He specially told that there are many deceivers there who will try to distract and they are to be particularly avoided from. (This is just like it is famous here with us that those involved in spiritual practices are initially frightened by supernatural beings like Jinns etc. But when the learner does not get worried due to the strength of his personality, these forces becomes his subservient)

Methodology of spiritual training: Morehouse further writes that after this informative tour of the laboratories, he visited the class rooms. The following two months passed listening to lectures. Regular exams were conducted and he was continuously graded. After 3 months of theoretical training, the practical part of the training commenced. This training was arranged under the supervision of a master trainer. If such training is conducted without a master trainer, it can even endanger ones life. During the training session, student’s blood pressure, pulse rate, temperature, emissions from the brain, respiration and condition of various body organs is monitored. The training is rigorous. In a training session, a person’s spirit leaves his body and travels in the given time and space.  During this, the connection between body and spirit is only through a thin imaginary wire which if broken, the person can never come back.

Going into the details of the training, Morehouse says that whatever happens to the spirit, the body feels it. For example if it goes near fire, the body feels the heat, if it is at a cold place, the body will feel cold and if in space, the body will suffocate. Tiring of spirit also tires the body. Thus the training programme is exhaustive and necessitates hours of rest after wards.

About his training he says that the training continued for almost 6 months. Every session comprised of a real incident of the past. Like an incident was chosen on his own request. One of his friends was a pilot who while flying his plane was lost in some island  in the Pacific Ocean. To see this accident happening, Morehouse went on a journey in the past. During this training visit, he looked in all the islands one by one. Most of the areas comprised of thick forest and mountainous regions. Ultimately, he found his friend at a place and enquired about the details of the accident. The pilot told him that our plane was at a low altitude and collided with a mountain peak. The debris were scattered in the forest. All the eight crewmen died in the accident and I was the last one to die. He told that after death many times I appeared in your dreams and also visited home. He thanked me and my wife for taking care of his children. He also gave a message for his wife that she may get married to a person she is now interested in.

Going into the details of travel in time and space, Morehouse writes about the method of collecting information. He says that whatever I was observing, I was continuously noting it down and also drawing a sketch for details. After the training session, when I showed these papers to my manager Levy, he brought a file from his office and showed it to me. I was surprised as it contained a picture and details of the accident which were almost exactly the same which I had gathered. Levy told me that they had investigated this accident . People of the island had taken away the debris alongwith the dead bodies of the air crew which were in bad shapes. On our information, government sent a team for field investigation which concurred with our information. (page 11-12) 

Practical plans of spiritual espionage: Morehouse states that after successful training, he was made incharge of the ERV (Extended Remote Viewing). During this assignment, he and his colleagues carried out many worthwhile espionage missions, details of which are given in his book. Amongst the same is the investigation of the famous air crash of Pan Am flight 103 at Loch in Scotland. The query was that whether the accident was a result of terrorism or was there some other reason for its happening. Along with field investigation, the task was also assigned to Streak. They also witnessed that accident was a result of an act of terrorism which was accomplished by an Irani woman on suicide mission. The woman entered the plane with bomb on her body. She had a remote controller to trigger the bomb. In addition, in her hand she was also carrying explosive concealed in form of a chocolate bar. Morehouse reached that place where this act was planned. He saw the people who formulated the details of this plan. (page155-156)

Similarly, they were assigned the task to find the details of the Korean aircraft shot by a Russian missile. As the matter was also politically sensitive, Mr. Levy and Morehouse investigated it separately. Morehouse writes that he spiritually embarked the aircraft. He saw the pilot flying the plan away from its prescribed track and sitting casually in the cockpit. He went around the plane and saw extraordinary equipment which he considered to be a special type of camera which works with the emissions of a radar. Its purpose is to carry out aerial photography of ground objects. During flight, the plane went in the Rusian airspace and was subsequently targeted with a missile. From this finding, Morehouse says that he was mentally disturbed a lot as the American government’s stance was totally opposite to the reality. USSR was blamed that it responsible for killing of 350 innocent people whereas actually Americans were themselves responsible for their deaths as they used a civilian plane for spying purpose. They instructed the pilot to deviate from the prescribed route for the purpose of spying and had fitted the spying equipment themselves.

Apprehending drug mafia with spiritual powers: He writes that amongst his achievements, one very important task was utility of spiritual viewing to apprehend the drug mafia. They were given the task to apprehend the drug carriers arriving America and their boats on which these drugs were smuggled. This job started a few months before Iraq Kuwait war and was a success. The anti narcotics department of the CIA wrote letter s of commendation to the Streak Sun. During war this work stopped for a while but when it commenced again, our spiritual spies showed extra ordinary performance. (pages 154-155). Morehouse states that it is also an interesting thing that in addition to field spying, collectively CIA and NASA also use spiritual espionage for space research. Following incidents are the summary of the same:

Reached Mars within 20 minutes: In one of these travels, he spiritually went to Mars. He brought such important information about its atmosphere, mountains and valleys which the people from NASA gather through their machines. Furthermore, NASA’s satellites reach there in months, whereas a person reached there and returned back within 20 minutes.

Earth like planet and people: Second travel was for the search of aliens in which, he travelled to another universe far away from our own solar system. He writes that the planet was similar to our earth and the people also had resemblance with us. When he reached a gathering, it appeared like a religious assembly or a ruler’s court. The leader’s build was comparatively larger than other people and many people were silently and respectfully sitting around him. Their dresses were similar to the ancient Egyptian rulers. (page 143-144)

Dangers and mutiny: The job of spiritual viewing was so interesting for Morehouse that he did not have time even for his family. They were scared of his supernatural powers and presumed him to be a being of some other world. Furthermore, his life was also endangered now. Just like there are friends and foes in the material world, they also exist in the spiritual world. In addition, CIA is not the only agency involved in such practices but some other departments, countries and private groups are also engaged in spiritual espionage and try to let down each other. Also the supernatural beings, angels and Jinns etc. were also after Morehouse. In short, enemy spiritual forces were always ready to harm him. Many a times it happened that when he reached home and in the evening him spiritual enemies attacked him. His wife and children used to be much disturbed finding him unconscious in the morning. Similar happenings led him to unpleasant relations with his wife and children, whose ultimate result was separation and for which he was very grieved.

Spiritual espionage of Kuwait Iraq war: He further writes: “In those days of disturbance, America sent its 300,000 soldiers in the Kuwait Iraq war. Immediately after the war, his unit was tasked to spiritually inspect entire Iraq for any unusual thing pertaining to military. Therefore Morehouse and another colleague Spiritual Telescopic Viewer were assigned separate missions. Morehouse says that when his spirit reached there, it witnessed that oil wells were on fire everywhere. The atmosphere was filled with petrol’s smoke. Then he concentrated on the adjacent land and saw that alongside Kuwait Iraq motorway, there were a number of steel canisters lying on the desert’s sand with their top towards the road. These canisters were similar to those used as containers for material for preparation of chemical and biological bombs. These were given by America to Saddam Hussain during the Iran Iraq war. This information was horrifying that Iraq has used such weapons on the allied forces and our government has not even made a mention of it. Reason for the same was clear as doing so would have gone against political reconciliation. American army which claimed its victory there would have been exposed for its failure. Rather they had only returned after dropping millions of tons of bombs and thousands of innocent Americans have come back home carrying the effects of chemical and biological weapons (which USA has itself supplied to Iraq). US government is keeping the matter secret so as nobody even claims for compensation.

Beginning of bad luck: Morehouse says that he views this as a great fraud by the higher command of American army with the American people. According to him and Major Levy who was working there for the last 20 years, this was an unacceptable crime. They felt it for the first time that the American government is guilty and it is using them for this crime. He firmly decided that he will reveal the matter to the American people and from here his bad luck commenced. (page 167-173)

He narrates that it was not at all acceptable for the CIA that its great secret is revealed and they were ready to do anything for stopping this to happen. In his book he says that first of all he was expelled from the Paranormal Espionage Department and he was charged with disclosure of official secrets. They prepared for his court martial for treason. At this difficult time, his wife and old parents came forward to help him. They got him admitted to a civilian hospital to get rid of the military. But soon the CIA people took him to some military hospital located far off. Under such circumstances, the most discouraging thing was that military had forgotten his 15 years of service and was all out to prove him as a criminal. They had even disregarded his father’s 40 years of meritorious service who himself was also a military officer. Was this the reward of all the sufferings which his wife and children had undergone?  Now he correctly realized about the family values. About his mental state at that time, he states:

“On this release from the nightmare very rebirth was inside myself.  Aside from the symbolic death of my spirit, the only ingredient I required, I already had the pure home of my family. And of course, I almost found the reason for all my troubles, to get the message out that we are more than just the body. We are spirits loosely tethered to earth, and there are elements and worlds far beyond what we know here. This is more than we have dreamed of but none of that matters if we cannot grasp the significance of this life”

“You can spend a life time tapping into Ether to explore other realms, but you have to come home sooner or later…….” “What we do here in support of others in where true happiness lies. I found that out the hard way”

Use of spiritual powers for good cayses: After his release, as per the instruction of his guard angel, Morehouse decided come what may, he will use his spiritual powers for the betterment of people and peace in the world. He will also spread the knowledge of these spiritual powers amongst the people so as taking their advantage, crime is eliminated, treatment for diseases like AIDS and cancer is known, space world is explored and distressed are helped. He also decided that he will reveal the anti human intentions of the CIA. Therefore in the end of his book he writes:

“At this point of my life all I want is to tell the story of remote viewing to anyone who will listen, not because it is amazing or controversial but it carries a message for all mankind. There are other worlds out there, other dimension, with civilizations, intelligences, love, hatred, success and feelings, everything we experience here in our world. There are also benevolent as well as evil energies out there. Some have the express purpose of destroying or hindering our progress here, and they have spent millennia practicing their craft”. (page 240-242) 

Further views about spiritual espionage and CIA: On page 249-250, he writes about CIA:

“When I was young captain in the Army, I learned an invisible lesson during a conversation with the Army. Deputy Chief of the Army Staff of Intelligence, the highest ranking intelligence officer in the Army, he told me and other two officers present. “The CIA does nothing, says nothing, allows nothing unless own interests are severed. They are the biggest assembly of liars and thieves the country ever put under one roof and they are an abomination” Now those are his words not mine, but ……… If what he said is true, then in serving its interests, CIA presents only what it thinks the average American Citizen needs to hear, or what it believes. Butchers will steer the public to the CIA’s desired conclusions”…….. CIA is in the business of manipulating the belief systems of entire nations…….. within CIA also only a select few know the real story……..”      (page 249-250)


Future of spiritual spying by CIA:


He writes about future of spiritual spying in CIA that Government was already spending a lot on it but after revelation of the secret of streak project. It has become very careful:


“I believe that remote viewing for intelligence purposes remain now very fully financed; much hidden and much protected and is now very deadly. I don’t think government intends to make the same mistake it did with the Star gate/Sun streak.”


When he was working on the streak project, he believed that CIA was operating other similar projects also besides this one but they are kept secret:


“We had always suspected that there was another program, more secret even more powerful than ours…. The word on the street is that remote influence is all the rage in intelligence. I believe that the CIA is heavily involved in this insidious technique. If they could influence someone to kill from a distance of thousands of miles and remote influence has this potential. They would hold an extremely valuable weapon” (Page 251)

"Remote Viewing is not a dead issue, it has not gone away. CIA campaign at tha fall of 1995 to discredit remot Viewing was classic dis-information campaign, and most of the information circulating in this respact was also misleading" (Page 250)


Human is not only body:


Towards end of his book, he writes that “I am convinced that very soon spiritual far-sightedness qualities of human beings will be used for the betterment of mankind and man would come to know that he is not only a body. Rather, in his personality, body is only a vehicle and the actual being is his spirit which will always stay alive and which is not restricted to time and place, rather he can conquer them. Now it is an established scientific fact, and the biggest proof and witness is the world’s powerful and biggest military and scientific power USA and its most dangerous and powerful department CIA. On page 257 of his book, he writes that:”

"I could write volumes more on what I have seen or by countless other military trained remote viewers. It was common place for us to have spiritual experiences, We knew and intercepted the reality of those things as easily as we did the existence of wiggles silos, or Soviet submarines or concaine shipments hidden in the bowels of freighters"
"It proves there is much more around us than our physical senses see. The gift of remote viewing is a precious and wonderfull tool"........

" I can say with equal conviction, that, like thing placed in mortal hands, this gift can be transported into a carriage that will plague mankind rather than serve, protect and advance it"
"The secret is out, remote viewing exitsts, it works, it has been tested, proven and used in intelligence for ever two decades. The recent govt, admissions (The washington Posts, article about the CIA's involvement in Psychic Warfare, Internet story in fall 1995), concerning the use of psychic warfare are crucial irrefutable testimony that what I have said here is the truth"
"The goverment of the most powerfull nation on the face of the earth has admitted that it knows humans can transcend time and space to view distant persons, places, things, and events, and inormation thus gathered can be brought back. I hope you comprehend the significance of that information" (page 257) ( Ref: "Psychic Warrior" by "David More House")

War usage is extremely delicate and important which cannot be denied, this means whatever I said over here is true (for explanation see Washington post newspaper article the topic of which is “joining of CIA in spiritual war” a story published on internet in 1995)

Governments of powerful countries acknowledge and know that humans can go beyond time and place. He can see the happenings in far-fetched places, in faraway period of times, can collect information and observations. I hope that you can fully understand the importance of such information (page 257 “spiritual war” author David Moor house).

You have read various parts of history by ex-Major ® David Moor house. Actually this is a strange story of utilization of spiritual means by America’s spy agency CIA, but, for us its importance is that this is a proof   of human beings with mystic powers and existence of spirit etc. Western world with its peculiar mentality has started using these mystic powers for material and worldly benefits whereas actually it should be utilized for peaceful and happy eternal life after death and its only solution is to lead life as prescribed by Islam.

“What else can one do”

Story of CIA’s Major David Moor house is an important lesson for our spiritual people and ‘Aamils’ that even, we have innumerous people whom Allah (SWT) has blessed with many spiritual powers. But, traditionally they do not take it as knowledge and take it merely as a special gift and then few amongst them use these powers to impress people. That is why spiritual world is considered to be just a thought or magic. Therefore, over here its knowledge and benefits have reduced to a negligible level. It is so required, that our spiritual elders whom Allah (SWT) has blessed with mystic powers and power to communicate with mystic beings take it as a proper science and educate people and instead of keeping it a secret, do more research work so that all of this can be utilized for the benefit of mankind. To deal with coming disasters, treating diseases and bringing people from ignorance to enlightenment of Hadayat so that their eternal life is peaceful

Besides this, it is very important that important personalities can be protected from spiritual attacks by enemy like you have read in the previous article of Major Moorhouse that now a days spy agencies of powerful countries are involved in it. This was done in previous times also for example when Muslims were governing India, Hindu jogies use to attack the Muslim rulers with their psychic powers, use to throw psychic missiles on them. They use to do this through magic, ghosts and other stannic powers but Muslim spiritual elders use to block these attacks in midway. This was also a reason that in the Kingdom of Delhi, Muslim spiritual elders always had an elevated and respected status. Nowadays situation is more dangerous than previous times that is why our spiritual elders should come forward and protect our responsible people and should try to stop the psychic missiles thrown towards them. Thus, in today’s psychic war they should play their spiritual role otherwise, we will be left behind even on mystic powers front as we have been left behind in the material world.

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